
What is Important

Continuing along the mortality path begun with yesterday’s post , I had some thoughts about a death that is less familiar to virtually all of us than that of Mr Russert . However it seems to me to be more tragic and yet an amazing example of Romans 8:28 IN action. On May 21st , the adopted five year old daughter of Steven Curtis Chapman ( a popular Christian singer ) was accidentially killed in a driveway accident. The vehicle was driven by one of Mr Chapman’ s older sons , thus compounding the impact on the family. Having two children by birth and two more by marriage along with two grandchildren, I cannot conceive of the impact on this family . I along with many others have sent condolences and prayers . There can never be too much of either. This , however is the kicker to me. The family asked that in lieu of flowers that donations be sent to a charity that they founded to aid in adopting and caring for orphans . In just over a month over $500 K has been raised mostly by small individual donations. Amazing ! To me this is nothing less than God at work .

June 24, 2008 - Posted by | Life and Death

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